Monday, March 4, 2013

A Week's Worth

Well, I haven't been blogging, but I have been throwing things away.  Here is a little of what I did last week:

Like his Kindergarten Christmas cards, these were his Kindergarten Valentines.  He has rec'd Valentines before, but these were his first truly in school.  Everyone in his class had to give one to every one else in the class, and the classroom was turned into a post office all week.  He got the chance to stamp, sort and deliver the mail.  I think it was a fun idea to turn this occasion into a lesson.  Valentines aren't just a folded piece of paper anymore. He rec'd pencils and tatoos and lollypops and erasers and stickers....  someone even made chocolate covered pretzels, which he loved!  A few of the cards were handmade.  I took this picture and threw all but one away, the one from his "sweetheart"  :).

Junk Drawer
This has been on my list of things to do for over a week now.  I have a storage container of drawers in my bedroom that are a mess.  I finally made the time this week to go through most of the drawers.  The big mess was the top drawer.  I took out anything that wasn't an office supply, and found new homes for those things, and I threw away stuff as well as put a few things in the donation box.  I went through one other drawer as well.  Those were the baddies.  The other two drawers are OK.  I'll go through those eventually, but I accomplished what I set out to do.

The floors of my car are disgusting!  It's really more the floors of the backseat, surprise, surprise.  I've been getting into the habit of telling the kids they have to take out a few items to either throw away or take upstairs.  One day I might say, "Take 2 toys out with you to bring up stairs", another day it might be "Pick up three pieces of trash to throw away".  That trash goes immediately into the dumpster, before we even get inside the house.  Today, I had just hubby with me, so we were able to take out all the things that belonged in the house, and most of the big trash (like papers).  Now the back is mostly filled with old cereal and sand, but a quick trip to the car wash vacuums later this week should take care of that.  Now hopefully I can get there later this week.

This past weekend has been a big cleaning weekend. My "craft" table in my bedroom is usually a disaster.  It's the place for things that I otherwise don't know what to do with.  It's usually souvenir kinds of things, or pictures the boys have made. I cleaned off the entire thing, found some homes, and even made the time to scrapbook one page!  I threw out the remaining baby wash clothes and a plastic bib, which my youngest could probably use since he's so messy, but really too old now to use a bib.  I have two burp cloths left, but I'm keeping them as items to keep in my "toddler bag".  I may need it to wet down and clean a dirty boy.  I have a stack of receiving blankets too.  I'm pretty sure I'm ready to get rid of them, but I want to donate them to the SPCA so I haven't tossed them yet.  This week I'll check out its hours, and think about heading down with the boys.  They might get a kick out of seeing the animals.  I also took some pictures of our one of a kind wall hangings (aka boys' artwork) and recycled the originals.

Today we went through the house and cleaned pretty much from top to bottom - getting rid of a lot of dust!  Yuck!  Hubby even threw out a couple of stuffed animals with my blessing!  It was tough, but I'm OK.  I went organized the kids' bookshelf with all their puzzles and art supplies and games.  It wasn't too bad, but I did a great job at putting some things in folders and organizing baskets.  I feel great about it.  I threw out an art easel that they don't need, especially when the have others.  

Hopefully this week I can tackle some of the boys' artwork that I've been saving.

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