Monday, April 29, 2013

Reversed Weekend

So, I think I remember saying I was going to get rid of clutter, not start collecting more.  Well, not this weekend.  I started the weekend by gathering some more craft supplies to get rid of. I came up with a baggie of colored pencils.  Not much, I know.  I'm happy with myself for getting rid of them though.  I have nice watercolor pencils, and the kids have tons of colored pencils, so they were pretty easy to part with.  Tonight I went back through and tested all my regular (as opposed to pigment) ink pads and threw a couple away and put a couple away for the yard sale.  Some of those pads are so old, but they still work fantastically!   I also tested and threw out some magic markers.  Those were really old too, and those were not working well.

That's about all I did this weekend.  However, what I took into the house, was much, much more.  Friday I "won" a basket at a silent auction.  I paid $90 for $300 worth of stamping and cardmaking/scrapbooking supplies.  So, it was a good deal, but more stuff in the house. Some of it, like a stamp set in French, I already donated to a swap table at a crop I was at on Saturday (I put a few other things on that table too, like a couple of punches and things).  Some of it I used, which was nice, and the rest I kept.  I also spent $55 at the crop on new paper and scrapbooking items.  Sigh.  I finished 7 pages at the crop, but I don't think I threw away a lot of packaging and scraps.  I don't think I made any kind of dent in my supplies.  I also had a couple of people give me some of their paper that they didn't want any more.  I love the free supplies, but I really need to get rid of some stuff!!

At the silent auction, I offered my scrapbooking services, and I just got in touch with the woman who bid on it.  Although I'll be buying new stuff to make her book, I hope I can get rid of some of my own stuff, too.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another Week Goes By

Gosh, I'm starting to suck at this.  Last week was crazy busy for me.  I was up late most nights working on a fundraiser for my child's school.  I didn't realize how much work that was going to be.  I did get a little me time in over the weekend, but it was also a day away from home when I had so much to do.  My little one's birthday was yesterday and I didn't buy presents until Sunday!  Although still busy and still stressed, I think things are a little better now.

Last week I did throw away a pair of shoes.  The sole was coming off, and instead of gluing them back together like I thought I should, I chucked them.   I liked them enough, but I have other brown shoes.  Today wasn't bad.  I took a mental health day today to take care of me.  I napped for most of the day, but I did go through a pile of receipts and put them in a recycling bag.  They had been sitting around for months - some since before the new year (there was even one from September)!  I had saved them because I was trying to keep track of grocery expenses and what I was saving in coupons, but I was so far behind, I gave up.  This year I'm not keeping track of those things.  I am keeping track of overall expenses this month so I can start a budget next month.  That's another project!

My husband was a dear today and cleaned the house.  I can't tell you how much of a relief that is for me!  There is still a large pile of papers in the dining room, and a few spots of small clutter, but I can actually breathe!  When cleaning the bathroom, he took out the potty seat and travelling potty seat, and I told him he could through them away.  We don't use them, and although I thought maybe we could use the travel seat, I figured we really hadn't used it before, so why not pitch it.

I also went through my stamping drawers.  I don't really use my rubber stamps anymore, so I gathered a large shoebox full and I'm going to try to sell them at a yard sale.  I also decided that whatever I don't sell, I will donate.  I could probably get rid of so many more, but I keep thinking that maybe I'll use them.  I might go through those drawers again before the sale and see if any more call to me to be thrown away.  I found a few other card making/scrapbooking items to pitch as well.  I still have more drawers to go through.

Speaking of scrapbooking, that me time I was talking about was spent at a crop.  I was able to use up some of my stock so I'm a little lighter in that area.  I didn't through away a lot, only because I didn't use the entire package of something.  I also bought some, not a lot, of stuff at the scrapbook expo last week, so I'm not sure I'm really ahead in making scrapbook trash.

Hopefully I can get back on track this week.  The yard sale in two weeks will hopefully motivate me.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Finally...The Kid's Closets!

This weekend I've finally had some time to go through the kid's closets.  I've been wanting to do it for a while, and now there is a stack of laundry waiting to make it's way in as well.  I know what sizes I'll need this summer, so I started with the tote that's been in the closet since last summer.  Since it's all too small now, that tote is now sitting outside of the bedroom.  I've started filling up another tote too.  Since winter is officially over, I've been tossing some outgrown winter stuff in there.  I'm also starting a pile of winter things to be put away for next year.  The kids both have birthdays coming up, so I want to make room for that new summer clothing!

I have some more motivation for getting rid of things.... a yard sale!  The neighboring church is holding a yard sale at the beginning of May, so I really want to go through things everyday so I can have a good stash of stuff for the sale.  We could really use the money, so I'm excited what this could look like.  Kid's clothing goes well, so by May 4 I'll have completely made my seasonal switch.  I might even throw a few more things in there too just to thin some stuff out.  The kids are blessed with very giving grandparents, so anything we depart with will be replaced by fall.  And anything that doesn't sell that still fits, I can keep.

I took 2 pairs of shoes to church today to give to the service trip.  It looks like they had quite a few donations as the shoe pile was quite large.  I think there was going to be a shoe weigh in after 2nd service.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

One Book at Least

So, I'm slacking again.  I think I threw something out Sunday, but I don't remember what it was.  I do know though, that those shoes I took out of my closet, are going to a good new home.  At church I found out there is a group of people from church going on a service trip and they are collecting shoes.  I think they get money for shoes turned in or something.  Anyway, this weekend, I'll give those shoes to them.  I need to remember that my eldest's school is also collecting shoes.  I don't remember the specifics of what shoes they are taking, but I'll have to remember that if I have more shoes to get rid of, I'll need to bring them to school.

I don't think I really got rid of anything this week.  I've been going through email again, but since every day I get to work and there is a message about my mailbox being close to full, I'd say I'm not deleting enough.  Today, though, I did look at some of the larger files I have and got rid of them (one was actually so big it was called Enormous!).  I also haven't been going over my organizing and spring cleaning check lists.  Tuesday I had a committee meeting (for a school fundraiser) and then I worked that night, so I didn't have much time that night to go through anything.  Yesterday I dealt with work drama from when I left work til a few hours later, so when that was done, I was just plain lazy.

Tonight has been a little different.  I went through the kids' bookshelf.  I think I went through it a week or so ago (I guess I'll have to check my blog posts to see if I've counted that already), but I think all I pulled out were holiday books.  There just isn't anymore room for books, and I know I'll be buying some more books soon, so something has to be done.  So, the holiday books will go into storage until next year. Those were still in the room, so I pulled them and put them in the spring decorations tote that is still sitting in my living room.  (I really need to put my Easter decorations away.)  I did throw away one book though.  It was a book that had some magnets with it, and the magnets could go on the pages so the kids could make their on scenes.  However, my little one chewed every magnet, so the pictures on them are ruined, one sticker/paper has come right off the magnet, and one is gone completely (missing, not inside my kid's stomach).  So, tricky mom snuck it out tonight.  When I cleaned out the shelves a short time ago, I pulled another book too.  I hid that one under their dresser, because my little one still wants it, even though I think it's too young for him.  I want to bring it to his school to see if one of the classes there wants it.  I'll try to remember that tomorrow so it leaves my house.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

More Closet Cleaning

I already cleaned out my closet, however, yesterday I set aside a few more things to donate.  When cleaning, I almost took out an outfit that I haven't worn for awhile, but decided to keep it and made it a point to want to wear it this week.  Well, I put it on yesterday and the shirt had magically shrunk in the closet!!  Funny how that happened!  I also took out two pairs of shoes, that I really liked, and are new, but don't fit.  I really needed a pair of grey shoes and my mom bought me a pair for Christmas.  I only wore them a couple of times, but they were too small.  I was hoping I'd break them in, but yesterday when I looked at the size, they were really a size too small.  My mom also bought me another pair of black shoes for Christmas that were 1 1/2 sizes too big!  I'm not sure what she was thinking, but it was nice of her to buy me the shoes anyway.

Tonight I went through the hall closet.  I've organized it recently, however there was one shelf I really hadn't touched.  First, my husband has a habit of bringing umbrellas home from work. I didn't even know he had stashed three of them up there!  I kept them, but moved them to better locations.  There was also a growing collection of scarfs and hats up there, that found new homes.  Thrown away were some baseball caps and other hats that my husband is just not going to wear.  Gone!  He took a few things out and put them in a bag (like a baseball mitt - he only ever takes that one when we go to a rare baseball game!) and said he wanted to keep them.  I told him it was OK, but living in a bag on the handle of the closet door was not OK.  I think he ended up putting the bag in his closet.  I had asked him to clean his closet, but he told me he didn't have much to go through so he didn't think he needed to.  Whatever.  His closet isn't in my way so as long as things don't start creeping out, I'm OK.

I still haven't cleaned out the kid's closets, but hopefully soon.  I stay on top of those pretty well (the kids are nowhere near babies anymore but I still find myself nesting in there!), but there is a ton of laundry that needs to be put away, and it's also time to start a change of size and change of season purge.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Improvements for Me

This has been a good week of cleaning and purging for me.

Tuesday, I threw away a pair of orange plastic fangs that the boys still like.  They were sitting on the bathroom sink because my husband had just used them.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's big for me.  I really have de-cluttering on my mind.  First, I normally consult the kids before I throw away anything that belongs to them.  As you can guess, I don't get rid of everything I'd like to when I do it that way.  Second, the kids still use and enjoy these.  I'm not mean - really. I just saw them on the sink and wanted to throw them away rather than put them away.  It was in impulse decision that I don't regret, and the kids won't miss the plastic piece of junk.  They have so much, they really won't be missed.  Besides, I think there is a green pair still in the toy bins.

Wednesday I finally went through the shelf in my linen closet that I've been wanting to get to for a couple of weeks.

It's a mess, right?  As you can see, I have attempted to keep things organized with baskets and containers. The problem is I've got too much that I don't need and the baskets are filling up.  I had mostly empty sunscreen bottles that were probably too old to be used, and a basket filled with sample sizes of men's hair creme that were old when my husband was using them, but has since changed his hair style.  I also had bay lotion and powder in there that I got as shower gifts when I was pregnant with my first (that was 6 years ago!).  Some of it had expiration dates on them and they were never opened! Well, I went through it all, and I'm really happy with the results.

I'd still like to go through that emergency baby first aid kid that's in there.  I'm sure some of it can be put in other places now.  The kids aren't babies anymore.

This is all the stuff I got rid off.

Not bad for about a half hour's work!

Yesterday wasn't as good.  We went on the hunt for a baseball shirt for school.  I did, though, get rid of some more work email because I got that silly "full mailbox" message again.  This time, though, I went through the "sent" box which I hadn't done before.  Boring stuff, but at least getting rid of clutter is still on my mind. 

Another thing I did yesterday was make some lists.  I think I've mentioned this before, that I have started following a website that has printable monthly lists for simplifying my house around me.  I've also printed out two more "30 days of spring cleaning" lists, and I sat for a while and looked at those lists and updated them and modified some of the items.  For instance, one day I am supposed to rake the leaves in the yard.  Well, I don't have a yard, so I changed it to pull and clean out all of the leaves and pine needles from the hood of my car.  Instead of organizing the attic and basement, of which I don't have, I'll be organizing my storage closets.  The first items on the lists are taking inventory of what I want to do.  Well, let's cross that off the list!  Here's to 30 days of action!

Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Been a Productive Day Off!

We've been away for the weekend, so I couldn't do much house cleaning.  However, I've been busy since we've been back.

First, my car is clean, well, sort of.  All of the crayons and toys and movies and papers, etc., have been picked up and taken into the house.  All of the trash has been placed in the dumpster.  Now, it needs a vacuum and the seats/floors need to be scrubbed, but I'm very happy to say that it's emptied out!  That usually doesn't happen!

Last night, I went through their VHS movies (yes, we still have VHS movies) and was able to have the kids agree to donate some of the tapes.  They don't watch Bob the Builder anymore and Elmo's World really isn't their thing either. Besides, we have a password for Netflix and there is Youtube, so we can probably find what we need, if we need it.

Today was great too.  I cleaned out my closet and found some clothes and old pocketbooks to donate.  I threw away a faded sweatshirt and a pair of broken boots too. Then I went through my bedside table and made a pile of magazines/catalogs that I'll donate to my kid's classroom, threw out a bunch of random papers and things, found new homes for things that didn't belong, and really organized those two drawers. Now the top drawer needs some more straightening up, but everything in the drawer has a theme and a
purpose for being there.

I'm excited about the work I did today, and I'm excited to get more done this week too.  I really love that I'm getting rid of things I don't need any more, simplifying, and organizing all at the same time!

Tomorrow my goal is to organize the kids' closets and find something to do with all of their outgrown clothes!