Tuesday, I threw away a pair of orange plastic fangs that the boys still like. They were sitting on the bathroom sink because my husband had just used them. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's big for me. I really have de-cluttering on my mind. First, I normally consult the kids before I throw away anything that belongs to them. As you can guess, I don't get rid of everything I'd like to when I do it that way. Second, the kids still use and enjoy these. I'm not mean - really. I just saw them on the sink and wanted to throw them away rather than put them away. It was in impulse decision that I don't regret, and the kids won't miss the plastic piece of junk. They have so much, they really won't be missed. Besides, I think there is a green pair still in the toy bins.
Wednesday I finally went through the shelf in my linen closet that I've been wanting to get to for a couple of weeks.
It's a mess, right? As you can see, I have attempted to keep things organized with baskets and containers. The problem is I've got too much that I don't need and the baskets are filling up. I had mostly empty sunscreen bottles that were probably too old to be used, and a basket filled with sample sizes of men's hair creme that were old when my husband was using them, but has since changed his hair style. I also had bay lotion and powder in there that I got as shower gifts when I was pregnant with my first (that was 6 years ago!). Some of it had expiration dates on them and they were never opened! Well, I went through it all, and I'm really happy with the results.
I'd still like to go through that emergency baby first aid kid that's in there. I'm sure some of it can be put in other places now. The kids aren't babies anymore.
This is all the stuff I got rid off.
Not bad for about a half hour's work!
Yesterday wasn't as good. We went on the hunt for a baseball shirt for school. I did, though, get rid of some more work email because I got that silly "full mailbox" message again. This time, though, I went through the "sent" box which I hadn't done before. Boring stuff, but at least getting rid of clutter is still on my mind.
Another thing I did yesterday was make some lists. I think I've mentioned this before, that I have started following a website that has printable monthly lists for simplifying my house around me. I've also printed out two more "30 days of spring cleaning" lists, and I sat for a while and looked at those lists and updated them and modified some of the items. For instance, one day I am supposed to rake the leaves in the yard. Well, I don't have a yard, so I changed it to pull and clean out all of the leaves and pine needles from the hood of my car. Instead of organizing the attic and basement, of which I don't have, I'll be organizing my storage closets. The first items on the lists are taking inventory of what I want to do. Well, let's cross that off the list! Here's to 30 days of action!
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