Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Been a Productive Day Off!

We've been away for the weekend, so I couldn't do much house cleaning.  However, I've been busy since we've been back.

First, my car is clean, well, sort of.  All of the crayons and toys and movies and papers, etc., have been picked up and taken into the house.  All of the trash has been placed in the dumpster.  Now, it needs a vacuum and the seats/floors need to be scrubbed, but I'm very happy to say that it's emptied out!  That usually doesn't happen!

Last night, I went through their VHS movies (yes, we still have VHS movies) and was able to have the kids agree to donate some of the tapes.  They don't watch Bob the Builder anymore and Elmo's World really isn't their thing either. Besides, we have a password for Netflix and there is Youtube, so we can probably find what we need, if we need it.

Today was great too.  I cleaned out my closet and found some clothes and old pocketbooks to donate.  I threw away a faded sweatshirt and a pair of broken boots too. Then I went through my bedside table and made a pile of magazines/catalogs that I'll donate to my kid's classroom, threw out a bunch of random papers and things, found new homes for things that didn't belong, and really organized those two drawers. Now the top drawer needs some more straightening up, but everything in the drawer has a theme and a
purpose for being there.

I'm excited about the work I did today, and I'm excited to get more done this week too.  I really love that I'm getting rid of things I don't need any more, simplifying, and organizing all at the same time!

Tomorrow my goal is to organize the kids' closets and find something to do with all of their outgrown clothes!

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