So, I'm slacking again. I think I threw something out Sunday, but I don't remember what it was. I do know though, that those shoes I took out of my closet, are going to a good new home. At church I found out there is a group of people from church going on a service trip and they are collecting shoes. I think they get money for shoes turned in or something. Anyway, this weekend, I'll give those shoes to them. I need to remember that my eldest's school is also collecting shoes. I don't remember the specifics of what shoes they are taking, but I'll have to remember that if I have more shoes to get rid of, I'll need to bring them to school.
I don't think I really got rid of anything this week. I've been going through email again, but since every day I get to work and there is a message about my mailbox being close to full, I'd say I'm not deleting enough. Today, though, I did look at some of the larger files I have and got rid of them (one was actually so big it was called Enormous!). I also haven't been going over my organizing and spring cleaning check lists. Tuesday I had a committee meeting (for a school fundraiser) and then I worked that night, so I didn't have much time that night to go through anything. Yesterday I dealt with work drama from when I left work til a few hours later, so when that was done, I was just plain lazy.
Tonight has been a little different. I went through the kids' bookshelf. I think I went through it a week or so ago (I guess I'll have to check my blog posts to see if I've counted that already), but I think all I pulled out were holiday books. There just isn't anymore room for books, and I know I'll be buying some more books soon, so something has to be done. So, the holiday books will go into storage until next year. Those were still in the room, so I pulled them and put them in the spring decorations tote that is still sitting in my living room. (I really need to put my Easter decorations away.) I did throw away one book though. It was a book that had some magnets with it, and the magnets could go on the pages so the kids could make their on scenes. However, my little one chewed every magnet, so the pictures on them are ruined, one sticker/paper has come right off the magnet, and one is gone completely (missing, not inside my kid's stomach). So, tricky mom snuck it out tonight. When I cleaned out the shelves a short time ago, I pulled another book too. I hid that one under their dresser, because my little one still wants it, even though I think it's too young for him. I want to bring it to his school to see if one of the classes there wants it. I'll try to remember that tomorrow so it leaves my house.
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