Teddy bears have faces. That makes them much harder to throw away. I just can't put them in a trash can, trash bag, box or any place I know where they will be covered with unwanted things. When I was younger, I used to imagine my stuffed animals would talk and move around when I wasn't looking. I imagine you can guess a couple of my favorite movies. Hmm... a movie about talking toys, perhaps? I've seen Toy Story 3 100 times and I still cry at the end. I've even come in at the end of the movie and I STILL cry. Favorite children's book? The Velveteen Rabbit. Wouldn't it be great to love a toy to life? Sigh....
Well, as tough as it was, I threw away a small teddy bear yesterday. I organized the boys' stuffed animals shelf and tucked a few in some open shelves on the side of the dresser that was attached to the crib at one time. I was hoping to find some more to get rid of, but amazingly I was able to find homes for all of them (including Buzz and Woody dolls) except for one tiny bear, that I think was a Build A Bear replica that was a McDonald's toy won in an Easter Egg Hunt. At one time it had a fireman's jacket and hat, but that found it's way to the trash a while ago because I thought the bear was lost.
Today I tackled the clutter on top of the microwave. I try to keep it clean, but clutter just magically appears on it. I threw away some Christmas candy, including a Pez dispenser, a fortune cookie and some school papers that were up there. I filed a recipe, a Thanksgiving place mat made by a boy in school and put away some note pads. There were some unmade Christmas crafts that were up there too, that I put away until next year. Something splattered up there too, because I cleaned the wall behind the microwave and the bottom of the cabinet above it. Hopefully this will stay clean a little longer this time around.
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