So, I kind of figured I wouldn't blog every day. I know I'll be going away for weekends, and on vacation. I don't know what my problem has been this week. It only takes a minute to come over to my computer and write a few sentences, but I haven't made myself do it. Chasing two kids after working all day might have something to do with it. I really need to get better at sitting down for that minute because blogging is keeping me accountable for attaining my goal.
I know I've thrown things away this week, however, how intentional it was I don't know. A couple of times I threw something away and said to myself", "I'll have to remember this for my blog" but now I can't remember what I did. I don't know what I threw away Wednesday and Thursday. I do remember that one day I thought I hadn't thrown anything away and I may have found something after that. Yesterday, I cleaned up a bedside table a bit and threw away some old sales circulars that were hanging around for some unknown reason.
Today was great though! My husband likes to bring things home from work. He mostly brings home umbrellas, sunglasses and water bottles. Oh, the water bottles! It actually skeeves me out a bit when he brings them home and wants to use them. They are fine, I suppose, because we put them through the dishwasher so they are clean, and they are made to be reusable, I mean, that is their purpose. I guess I just need to get over that. However, whenever my husband finds one at work, he brings it home and it's his new favorite cup (he'll bring one back to work and drink from it while working). This summer we bought a reusable, refillable cup at Hershey, and now he brings that to work everyday. His coworkers call it his sippy cup! Today I was in the cupboard and easily convinced him to throw all the others away that he doesn't use anymore. There were a couple more up there too, that I got rid of. This, for me, was awesome!
Tomorrow I am really going to make a conscience effort to get rid of something. I really want to get back on track!!
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