Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yard Sale!

Much of last week was spent preparing for the yard sale.  My husband and I went through our books and DVD's, the kids helped me go through their books and DVD's, and without the kids' help, I went through their toys.  I went through all my holiday decorations, gathered a box of rubber stamps and a few other crafting items, and a few odds and ends.  I was most excited to sell the outgrown kid's clothes.  I had a full tote of summer stuff and a full tote of winter stuff.

Well, the yard sale was Saturday - and it was a beautiful day for it!  I made about $100 (took home about $60 after the food we bought and the cost of the table space, and I sold a lot of stuff at 25 cents and 10 cents), but most importantly, I got rid of so much stuff!!  All the DVD's went, and the kid's DVD's that didn't go, I gave away to a friend that was hanging out at the end.  I also gave away whatever books I had left.  The adult books I gave to the guy who was next to me, because he had 100's of books, and was selling them left and right.  He gave us a couple to take home that my husband was interested in.  The leftover kid's books I brought to the Salvation Army.  I only had a couple of stamps left that I ended up donating, as well as a few holiday decorations.  Some Christmas decorations I kept because I still use them, but I just wanted to thin out what I had.  I donated a whole bag of plastic Easter eggs to the church because sometimes they have Easter egg hunts. The most surprising part of what sold, was that it was not the kid's clothes, but their toys!  Usually any clothing I sell goes lighting fast.  I didn't think the winter would go as fast, but not that much of the summer stuff went.  I had probably two people that came and bought $5+ worth (everything was 50 cents a piece), and a couple of people that bought one or two pieces, but that was it! I still have a lot left.  I brought it home, because I want to see if I can either sell it online, or donate it to someone I know or know needs it.  When all else fails, I'll put it on or I'll bring it to the Salvation Army.  I knew the toys would go, but it pretty much all went!  Even the cheap McDonald's toys!  Since the church that held the sale is next door to where we live, I had my husband go home and bring a few more things out to sell.  I was pumped and kept thinking the whole time "What else can I get rid of?"

Monday I met with the woman who bid on and won the scrapbook service I offered at the silent auction fundraiser.  She wants me to scrapbook baby boy pictures!  What luck!  I have LOTS of baby boy stickers, papers and embellishments, and I found a blue gingham scrapbook as soon as I walked back in my door after meeting her.  I may buy some more things, but I'm excited because I won't spend the $50 like I was planning too, and I'll use up some of my own stuff, getting rid of it.  Two birds, one stone....bam!

I threw away a few non working pens this week, and tonight I'd really like to go through my pen basket to see how many else I can throw away.  I think I'll end here, and go do that.

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